Maxim I. Boyanov


Address:           Argonne National Laboratory

                        9700 S. Cass Ave #203, E-157

                        Argonne, IL 60439


Phone:             1 (630) 252-8242

Fax:                 1 (630) 252-2959





Ph.D.:              Physics, University of Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A.                                               1996-2003

Dissertation: “XAFS spectroscopy studies of metal-ligand interactions at organic surfaces and in solution”

Advisor:           Prof. Bruce Bunker


            B.Sc., M.Sc.: Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.                                                          1991-1995

                                                Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.                             1990-1991

            M.Sc. Thesis: “Two new analytical solutions to the inverse ellipsometric problem”

Advisor:           Dr. Stoyan Russev

            Graduated:      Magna Cum Laude


            High School:  National English Language School, Sofia, Bulgaria.                                      1986-1990



Synchrotron X-ray studies of aqueous ion speciation near charged interfaces, in relation to environmental mineral and bacterial systems





                        Bayer Predoctoral Fellowship in Environmental Science                              2001-2002

                        Bayer Summer Fellowship                                                                             2001

                        Presidential Fellowship, University of Notre Dame                                        1996-2000

                        Annual Academic Excellence Stipend, University of Sofia                             1992-1995

                        Dean’s List, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago                                     1991



Research:  National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, Argonne National Laboratory,

        Aug 16-27, 1999

            Language: English (fluent), Russian (fluent), Bulgarian (fluent), German (basic)



            Programming:  FORTRAN, PASCAL, DELPHI (developed GUI analysis software for XAFS)

            OS:   Windows 2000, XP; UNIX; Linux; (administrator skills in all)

Software:   MS Office, MS Visual Studio, Origin, EndNote, Labview, Gnuplot, VNC

XAFS software: winIDP, the UW suite (advanced skills in all).

Chemical equilibrium software: FITEQL, ECOSAT.


PUBLICATIONS (Peer Reviewed Journals)

“Reduction of U(VI) by Fe(II) at model cell surfaces: role of Fe-Fe proximity”, M.Boyanov, E.J.O’Loughlin, S.D.Kelly, E.Roden, J.Fein, K.Kemner, in preparation (2005)

“Adsorption of Fe(II) to carboxyl lattices: electrostatic effects and surface polymerization”, M.Boyanov, E.J.O’Loughlin, E.Roden, K.Kemner, in preparation (2005)

“X-ray Micro(spectro)scopy Investigations Of Internal Biomineralization Products Produced by Dissimilatory Metal Reducing Bacteria (DMRB)”, S.Glasauer, S.Langley, T.J.Beveridge, M. Boyanov, B.Lai, K.Kemner, in preparation (2005)

“Local structure around Cr3+ ions in dilute acetate and perchlorate aqueous solutions”, M.I.Boyanov,  K.M.Kemner, T. Shibata, B.A.Bunker, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 5131-5138 (2004)

“Adsorption of cadmium to B.subtilis bacterial cell walls — a pH-dependent XAFS spectroscopy study”, M.I.Boyanov, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, B.A.Bunker, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 67(18), 3299-3311 (2003)

”Mechanism of aqueous Pb adsorption to fatty acid Langmuir monolayers studied by XAFS spectroscopy”, M.I.Boyanov, J.Kmetko, T.Shibata, A.Datta, P.Dutta, B.A.Bunker. J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 9780-9788 (2003)

“X-ray-absorption fine-structure determination of pH-dependent cell wall interactions”, S.Kelly, K.Kemner, J.Fein, D.Fowle, M.Boyanov, B.Bunker, N.Yee. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 66(22), 3855-3871 (2002)

“Non-metabolic reduction of Cr(VI) by bacterial surfaces under nutrient-absent conditions”, J.Fein, K.Kemner, D.Fowle, J.Cahill, M.Boyanov, B.Bunker. Geomicrobiology Journal 19(3), 369-382 (2002)

“XAFS determination of the bacterial cell wall functional groups responsible for complexation of Cd and U as a function of pH”, S.D.Kelly, M.I.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle, N.Yee, and K.M.Kemner. J. Synchrot. Radiat. 8, 946-948 (2001)

“XAFS studies of gold and silver-gold nanoparticles in aqueous solutions”, T. Shibata, H.Tostmann, B.Bunker, A.Henglein, D.Meisel, S.Cheong, and M.Boyanov. J. Synchrot. Radiat. 8, 545-547 (2001)

“Analytical determination of the optical constants of a substrate in the presence of a covering layer by use of ellipsometric data”, S.C.Russev, M.I.Boyanov, J.P.Drolet, R.M.Leblanc. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 16(6), 1496-1500 (1999)

“Polynomial Inversion of the Single Transparent Layer Problem in Ellipsometry”, J.P.Drolet, S.C.Russev, M.I.Boyanov, R.M.Leblanc. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A-Opt. Image Sci. Vis. 1112, 3284-3291 (1994)



“XAFS investigations of interactions of U(VI) with Bacillus subtilis, green rust, and bio-oxidizing Dechlorosoma suillum”, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, E.J.O'Loughlin, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle, M.I.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker, N.Yee, J. D.Coates. Preprints of Extended Abstracts, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 41(2):254-258 (2001).

“XAFS determination of U-bacterial cell wall interaction at low pH”, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle, M.I.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker, N.Yee. Abstr. Preprints of Extended Abstracts, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 41(1):541-546 (2001)

“Reduction of trace elements by mixed Fe(II)/Fe(III) hydroxide (green rust)”, E.J.O'Loughlin, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, M.I.Boyanov. Preprints of Extended Abstracts, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 41(1):573-577 (2001).

“XAFS Study of U Sorption to Bacterial Cell Wall,” S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle, M.I.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker, N.Yee. p. 19 in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements; Guelph ’01 (2001).

“Reduction of Cu(II) and U(VI) by Mixed Fe(II)/Fe(III) Hydroxide (Green Rust),” E. O’Loughlin, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, M.I.Boyanov. p. 49 in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements; Guelph ’01 (2001).

"Reflectivity and Reflection-mode XAFS study of Ill-V compound native oxide/GaAs Interface", B.A.Bunker, S.-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov,  D.Lahiri, D.C.Hall, G.L.Snider, P.J.Barrios. paper B6-04 in 11th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS XI). Ako, Japan, July 27-31 (2000)

"Reflectivity and Reflection-mode XAFS study of the wet-thermal native oxide/GaAs interface," S-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, D.Lahiri, B.A.Bunker, D.C.Hall, G.L.Snider, P.J.Barrios, paper J11.010, in the Bulletin of the Americal Physical Society, vol. 46, no. 1 (2001).

"X-ray reflectivity and reflection-mode XAFS study of III-V compound native oxide/GaAs interfaces”, S.-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, D.Lahiri, B.A. Bunker, D.C. Hall, G.L.Snider. paper I19.02, 2000 March Meeting of American Physical Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 20-24, (2000)

"Reflection Mode XAFS studies of III-V compound native oxide/GaAs Interfaces," S.-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, D.Lahiri, B.A.Bunker, D.C.Hall, G.L.Snider, C.B. DeMelo. paper XC23.09, American Physical Society 1999 Centennial Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia, March 20-26, 1999).



(colloquium, S.Kelly) “Biogeochemical processes affecting uranium in calcium carbonate systems – Atomic-scale interactions related to macroscopic properties” S.D. Kelly, K.K. Kemner, S.C. Brooks, J. Fredrickson, T.Rasbury, C. Spotl, N.Sturchio, P. Fenter, S. Chattopadhyay, M. Boyanov, E. O’Loughlin, J. Kropf,  Geological Sciences Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, April 25, 2005.

(poster) “The Role of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 c-type Cytochromes and Type II Secretion System in Uranium Reduction and Localization of UO2 Nanoparticles”, J.K.Fredrickson, J.M. Zachara, A.S. Beliaev, M.J.Marshall, D.W. Kennedy, A. Dohnalkova, M.I. Boyanov, K. Kemner, B. Lai, S.B. Reed, M.F. Romine, D.A. Saffarini, Annual NABIR PI meeting, Warrenton, VA; April 18-20, 2005.

(invited talk, S. Glasauer) “Metal sorption and the bacterial membrane : implications for biomineralization and fossilization”, S. M. Glasauer, C. Cousins; S. Langley, T. Beveridge, M. Boyanov,  B. Lai, K. Kemner, European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2005; Vienna, Austria; Apr 24-29, 2005

(contributed talk, M.Boyanov) ”XAFS of Cd and U sorption to bacterial surfaces—bridging between macroscopic measurements and molecular binding mechanism”, M.Boyanov, S.Kelly,  K. Kemner, B.Bunker, J.Fein, D.Fowle, N.Yee; Third International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution, Aachen, Germany, May 24-27, 2005.

(poster) “Contaminant metal (Cd and Pb) speciation in the presence of biological and mineral surfaces”, B.Mishra, M.Boyanov, S.Kelly, K.Kemner, P. Maurice, J.Fein, B.Bunker. APS Users Meeting, May 3, 2004.

 (invited talk, K. Kemner) K. M. Kemner, M. Boyanov “EMSI Collaborative Studies with the ER Division at ANL,” EMSI Review, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, September 24, 2003.

(invited talk, K. Kemner) “X-ray and electron micro(spectro)scopy investigations of internal biomineralization products produced by dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB)“, M.Boyanov, S.Glasauer, B.Lai, K.Kemner, T.Beveridge. EMSI Review Meeting, University of Notre Dame, Sept 2003

(poster) “Spectral features in the XAFS of aqueous metal-acetate complexes”, M.Boyanov, T.Shibata, S.Kelly, K.Kemner, B.Bunker. XAFS XII conference in Malmo, Sweden, June 2003

(invited talk, M. Boyanov) “Mechanism of lead adsorption to fatty acid Langmuir monolayers by XAFS spectroscopy “,M.Boyanov, T.Shibata, J.Kmetko, A.Datta, P.Dutta, B.Bunker. APS Users’ Meeting, Argonne, March 2003

(invited talk, J.Fein) “Metal Adsorption onto Bacterial Surfaces:The Use of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Measurements to Determine Metal Binding Mechanisms “, J.Fein, P.Wightman, D.Fowle, N.Yee, K.Kemner, S.Kelly, M.Boyanov, B.Bunker. SES-II Conference, Argonne, May 2002

(poster)  "XAFS of Aqueous Pb Adsorbed Underneath Fatty Acid Langmuir Monolayers", M.Boyanov, J.Kmetko, T.Shibata, A.Datta, B.Bunker, P.Dutta. X-02 Conference, Rome, Italy, June 2002

(poster)  “Adsorption of Cadmium to B. subtilis Bacterial Cell Walls — a pH-Dependent XAFS Spectroscopy Study”, M.Boyanov, S.Kelly, K.Kemner, B.Bunker,  J.Fein, D.Fowle. X-02 Conference, Rome, June 2002

(contributed talk, D.Lahiri)”Oxidation state and coordination of gold deposited on titania nanoparticles”, D.Lahiri, V.Subramanian, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, A.Stuckey, B.Mishra, P.Kamat, B.Bunker. APS March Meeting, Indianapolis, 2002

(contributed talk, A.Stuckey) “XAFS of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As alloys”, A.Stuckey, M.Boyanov, T.Shibata, T.Wojtowicz, Y.Sasaki, X.Liu, J.Furdyna, B.Bunker. APS March Meeting, Indianapolis, 2002

(contributed talk, S.-K.Cheong) “Reflectivity and Reflection-mode XAFS study of the wet-thermal native oxide/GaAs Interface”, S.-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, D.Lahiri, B.Bunker, D.Hall, G.Snider, P.Barrios. APS March Meeting, Seattle, 2001

(contributed talk, E.J. O'Loughlin) “Reduction of trace elements by mixed Fe(II)/Fe(III) hydroxide (green rust)”, E.J.O'Loughlin, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, M.Boyanov. 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, April 2001

(contributed talk, S. D.Kelly) “XAFS investigations of interactions of U(VI) with Bacillus subtilis, green rust, and bio-oxidizing Dechlorosoma suillum”, S.D.Kelly , K.M.Kemner , E.J.O'Loughlin , J.B.Fein , D.A.Fowle , M.I.Boyanov , B. A. Bunker , N. Yee , J. D. Coates. 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, August  2001

(contributed talk, S.D.Kelly) “XAFS determination of U-bacterial cell wall interaction at low pH”, S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, J.B.Fein, D.A.Fowle, M.I.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker, N.Yee. 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, April 2001

(poster) “EXAFS of Aqueous Cadmium Complexes: the Role of Hydrogen and Multiple Scattering Paths”, M.Boyanov, S.Kelly, B.Bunker, K.Kemner, T.Shibata, S.-K.Cheong, D.Lahiri, J.Fein. The 11th Annual APS Users’ Meeting, Argonne, IL, October 2001

(poster) “Cadmium Adsorption to the Cell Wall of B.subtilis—an EXAFS Study”, M.Boyanov, S.Kelly, K.Kemner, B.Bunker, J.Fein, D.Fowle. Annual NSLS Users' Meeting, Upton, NY, May 2001

(contributed talk, S.D.Kelly) “XAFS Study of U Sorption to Bacterial Cell Wall,” S.D.Kelly, K.M.Kemner, J.Fein, D.Fowle, M.Boyanov, B.Bunker, N.Yee, Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Guelph, Ontario, August 2001

(contributed talk, D.Lahiri) “XAFS Studies of Clustering and Ordering in Liquid Dilute Alloys,” D.Lahiri, T.Shibata, S.-K. Cheong, M.Boyanov, B.A.Bunker,American Physical Society Meeting , March 2001

 (invited talk, S.Kelly) “XAFS investigations of interactions of U(VI) with minerals and microbes”, S.Kelly, K. Kemner, E.O’loughlin, R.Cook, R.Csencsits, J.Fein, D.Fowle, M.Boyanov, B.Bunker, N.Yee, J.Coates, J.Lack, S.Chaudhuri, S.O’Connor. 11th Users Meeting for the APS, Argonne, IL, October 2001

(invited talk, K.Kemner) “X-ray Investigations of Microbe-Mineral-Contaminant Interactions,” Kemner, K.M., Lai, B., Maser, J., Pratt, S.T., Cai, Z., Legnini, D., Ilinski, P., Rodrigues, W.,Germino, K., Kelly, S., Belz, A., Nealson, K., Schneegurt, M., Kulpa, C., Mundo, M.,Fowle, D., Boyanov, M., Bunker, B., Fein, J., Tischler, M., Fredrickson, J., Gorby, Y., Smith, S.,and Zachara, J.,  Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Meeting, DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Washington, D.C., January 31-February 2, 2000.

 (contributed talk, S.Cheong) "X-ray reflectivity and reflection-mode XAFS study of III-V compound native oxide/GaAs interfaces,", S.-K.Cheong, T.Shibata, M.Boyanov, D.Lahiri, B.A.Bunker, D.C.Hall, G.L.Snider. paper I19.02 in 2000 March Meeting of American Physical Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 20-24 2000

 (contributed talk, M.Boyanov) “EXAFS of ZnSexTe1-x Superlattices and CdSe Quantum Dots”, M.Boyanov, S.Cheong, D.Lahiri, T.Shibata, B.Bunker, S.Lee, J.Furdyna. Centennial APS March Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1999

(contributed talk, D.Fowle) “Copper Biomineralization: Towards Quantifying the Effects of Bacteria on Precipitation,” D.A.Fowle, J.B.Fein, K.M.Kemner, B.A.Bunker, S.D.Kelly, M.I.Boyanov, Goldschmidt Conference of the Geochemical Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 23-27, 1999.

 (poster) “EXAFS of II-VI Superlattice Interfaces and Buried Quantum Dots”, M.Boyanov, S.Cheong, D.Lahiri, T.Shibata, B. Bunker. 10th EXAFS Conference, Chicago, Aug 1998





Prof. Bruce Bunker

Department of Physics

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN 46556  



tel:       1 (574) 631-7219

fax:      1 (574) 631-5952


Prof. Jeremy Fein

Department of Civil Engineering &

  Geological Sciences

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN 46556           



tel:       1 (574) 631-6101

fax:      1 (574) 631-9236

Dr. Kenneth Kemner

Environmental Research Division

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL 60439



tel:       1 (630) 252-1163

fax:      1 (630) 252-2959